This chapter describes Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
TCP.001 |
Short Syntax: TCP.001 pkt cksum fld pkt = tcp_checksum calc = tcp_checksum
Long Syntax: TCP.001 packet checksum failed received packet checksum is tcp_checksum and calculated checksum is tcp_checksum
Description: Checksum failed because received packet checksum is not equal to the calculated checksum
TCP.002 |
Short Syntax: TCP.002 rcvd pkt source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_port no cnn
Long Syntax: TCP.002 received packet source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address with destination port tcp_port has no tcp connection
Description: TCP has received a packet with an invalid tcp port number.
TCP.003 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.003 Act opn sccfl dst prt tcp_port
Long Syntax: TCP.003 TCP Active open successful for port number tcp_port
Description: Active open was successful and we are notifying application of the open.
TCP.004 |
Short Syntax: TCP.004 rcvd invld SYN in wndw source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_port kill cnn
Long Syntax: TCP.004 received invalid SYN packet source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address with destination port tcp_port, kill connection
Description: TCP has received an illegal SYN packet, so kill the connection.
TCP.007 |
Short Syntax: TCP.007 drp seg source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_port rsn reject_code snd ACK
Long Syntax: TCP.007 dropped segment source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address with destination port tcp_port, reason reject_code, send a valid ACK in response
Description: TCP has rejected a segment. Reject codes are as follows: Reject codes: 1 - Seg len = 0, Rcv win > 0, seqnum < tcb_ack 2 - Seg len = 0, Rcv win = 0, seqnum != tcb_ack 3 - Seg len > 0, Rcv win > 0, winend < tcb_ack 4 - Seg len > 0, Rcv win = 0. 5 - Seg len = 0, Rcv win > 0, seqnum >= winend 6 - Seg len > 0, Rcv win > 0, seqnum >= winend Note: we only ACK if the segment received was a non RST segment.
TCP.009 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.009 state LISTEN: rcvd RST dst prt tcp_port seq num seq_num
Long Syntax: TCP.009 while in LISTEN state, received RST with destination port tcp_port, sequence number seq_num; drop segment
Description: TCP has received a RST while in LISTEN state; just ignore packet.
TCP.010 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.010 state SYN_RCVD: RST|TIMEOUT rtrn to LISTEN port tcp_port
Long Syntax: TCP.010 while in SYN_RECEIVED states, received RST or TIMEOUT with local port tcp_port. Return to LISTEN state
Description: A TCP passive connection attempt has failed due to our receiving a RESET from the active partner, or due to TIMEOUT after returning SYN|ACK
TCP.011 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.011 rcvd RST dst prt tcp_port seq num seq_num, abort
Long Syntax: TCP.011 received RST with destination port tcp_port, sequence number seq_num; drop segment and abort connection
Description: TCP has received a RST; abort connection.
TCP.012 |
Short Syntax: TCP.012 drop seg dst prt tcp_port seq num seq_num no ACK present
Long Syntax: TCP.012 drop segment with destination port tcp_port, sequence number seq_num because no ACK is present
Description: TCP has stopped processing the packet because there is no ACK present in the packet.
TCP.013 |
Short Syntax: TCP.013 drop seg dst prt tcp_port seq num seq_num ack num ack_num rcv invld ACK
Long Syntax: TCP.013 drop segment with destination port tcp_port, sequence number seq_num, acknowledge number ack_num, received invalid ACK
Description: Stop processing the segment because it contains acknowledgement for data not yet sent.
TCP.014 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.014 state ESTAB: rcvd FIN dst prt tcp_port seq num seq_num
Long Syntax: TCP.014 while in ESTABLISHED state, received FIN with destination port tcp_port, sequence number seq_num
Description: TCP has received a FIN while in ESTABLISHED state; when all data has been received, send FIN|ACK.
TCP.015 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.015 rcvd PSH dst prt tcp_port seq num seq_num
Long Syntax: TCP.015 received a segment with the PSH bit set with destination port tcp_port, sequence number seq_num
Description: TCP has received a segment with PSH bit set.
TCP.016 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.016 state SYNRCVD: rcvd vld seg dst prt tcp_port seq num seq_num, enter ESTAB
Long Syntax: TCP.016 while in SYNRCVD state, received valid segment with destination port tcp_port, sequence number seq_num, so enter ESTABLISHED state
Description: TCP has received a valid segment while in SYNRCVD state; enter ESTABLISHED state and notify application of the open.
TCP.017 |
Short Syntax: TCP.017 rcvd FIN while in LISTEN dst prt tcp_port seq num seq_num, snd RST
Long Syntax: TCP.017 received FIN segment while in the LISTEN state, destination port tcp_port, sequence number seq_num, snd RST
Description: TCP has received a FIN while in the LISTEN state, so we send RST to the other side.
TCP.024 |
Short Syntax: TCP.024 prcss FIN in invld state
Long Syntax: TCP.024 process a received FIN; current state is not SYNRCVD|ESTAB, so do nothing
Description: TCP processing FIN while not in SYNRCVD|ESTAB state.
TCP.025 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.025 prcss FIN in ESTAB|SYNRCVD state frgn hst ip_address lcl hst ip_address dprt dst_port sprt src_port
Long Syntax: TCP.025 process a received FIN; current state is SYNRCVD|ESTAB, foreign host ip_address local host ip_address destination port dst_port source port src_port
Description: TCP processing FIN while in SYNRCVD|ESTAB state.
TCP.026 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.026 app rcv tmout
Long Syntax: TCP.026 application posted receive timeout has fired
Description: Application posts a read specifying a timeout value. If not all the requested data has been received within a timeout period, a timer fires, and whatever is in the receive buffer is given to the application.
TCP.027 |
Short Syntax: TCP.027 frgn prt illgl close of wndw frgn hst ip_address lcl hst ip_address dprt dst_port sprt src_port
Long Syntax: TCP.027 foreign port closed the advertised window illegally foreign host ip_address local host ip_address destination port dst_port source port src_port
Description: The other side has been deaf and mute, and the the foreign window seems to have been closed illegally; send a RST.
TCP.028 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.028 state trnstn to SYNRCVD
Long Syntax: TCP.028 state of TCP connection transitioned to SYN-RECEIVED state
Description: State of the connection has transitioned to SYN-RECEIVED state as a result of either an active open or a passive open.
TCP.029 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.029 state trnstn to ESTAB
Long Syntax: TCP.029 state of TCP connection transitioned to ESTABLISHED state
Description: State of the connection has transitioned to ESTABLISHED state as a result of either an active open or a passive open.
TCP.030 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: TCP.030 rcvd TCP pkt source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_port
Long Syntax: TCP.030 received packet source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address with destination port tcp_port
Description: TCP has received a packet.
TCP.031 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: TCP.031 seq num seq_num to seq_num given to app.
Long Syntax: TCP.031 data with sequence number seq_num through to seq_num given to application
Description: Valid data in receive buffer has been handed to the application for further processing.
TCP.032 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.032 excssv num rtries
Long Syntax: TCP.032 excessive number of retries has occurred
Description: We have retransmitted a frame an excessive number of times. If the application has closed the connection already, just abort. Else, notify the application that there is a problem.
TCP.033 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: TCP.033 snd ctrl seg seq num seq_num ack num ack_num wndw window
Long Syntax: TCP.033 send control segment with sequence number seq_num and acknowledge number ack_num window window
Description: Send a control segment to either ack a segment or send special control segments like FIN or RST.
TCP.034 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.034 rxmt seq num seq_num to seq_num
Long Syntax: TCP.034 retransmit data with sequence number seq_num through to seq_num
Description: We have failed to receive a valid ACK for transmitted data, so retransmit the data.
TCP.035 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: TCP.035 xmt seq num seq_num to seq_num
Long Syntax: TCP.035 transmit data with sequence number seq_num through to seq_num
Description: Transmit data.
TCP.036 |
Short Syntax: TCP.036 unspt optn( kind) rcvd in SYN seg
Long Syntax: TCP.036 unsupported option( kind) received in SYN segment
Description: An unsupported option is present in the options field of a SYN packet.
TCP.038 |
Short Syntax: TCP.038 rjct seg dst prt tcp_port seq num seq_num bad ACK in SYNRCVD, snd RST
Long Syntax: TCP.038 reject segment with destination port tcp_port and sequence number seq_num, bad ACK in segment while in SYNRCVD state
Description: Reject the segment, and send a RST to the other side for receiving a segment with the incorrect acknowledgement while in the SYNRCVD state. Until a correct acknowledgement is received, we cannot progress into the ESTABLISHED state.
TCP.039 |
Short Syntax: TCP.039 rcvd ACK seg with dst prt tcp_port seq num seq_num in LISTEN, snd RST
Long Syntax: TCP.039 received ACK segment with destination port tcp_port, sequence number seq_num while in the LISTEN state, send RST
Description: TCP has received an ACK while in the LISTEN state; this does not make any sense because we have not yet sent any data, so nothing should be ACKed. As a result, we send a RST.
TCP.040 |
Short Syntax: TCP.040 TCP snd rst to hst source_ip_address
Long Syntax: TCP.040 TCP sending RESET to host source_ip_address
Description: TCP is sending a RESET segment to the other side.
TCP.041 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.041 TCP cnn clsd frgn hst foreign_ip_address lcl hst local_ip_address
Long Syntax: TCP.041 TCP connection closed, foreign host foreign_ip_address, local hst local_ip_address
Description: TCP connection is closed - notifying the application.
TCP.042 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.042 Frng TCB for frgn hst foreign_ip_address lcl hst local_ip_address
Long Syntax: TCP.042 Freeing TCB block for connection between foreign_ip_address and local_ip_address
Description: Freeing the TCB block associated with the TCP connection that has closed.
TCP.044 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.044 Idle tmr fires frgn hst foreign_ip_address lcl hst local_ip_address
Long Syntax: TCP.044 Idle timer fires for connection between foreign_ip_address and local_ip_address
Description: Idle timer fires for TCP connection.
TCP.045 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.045 Rxmt tmr fires frgn hst foreign_ip_address lcl hst local_ip_address
Long Syntax: TCP.045 Retransmit timer fires for connection between foreign_ip_address and local_ip_address
Description: Retransmit timer fires for TCP connection.
TCP.046 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.046 State trnstn frm ESTAB to FINWAIT source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Long Syntax: TCP.046 State transitioned from ESTABLISHED to FINWAIT source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Description: State of tcp connection has transitioned from ESTABLISHED to FINWAIT - send FIN, and now waiting for FIN-ACK to arrive.
TCP.047 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.047 State trnstn to CLOSED source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Long Syntax: TCP.047 State transitioned to CLOSED source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Description: State of tcp connection has transitioned to CLOSED.
TCP.048 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.048 Rcvd data after CLOSE issued and zero wndw, snd RST source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Long Syntax: TCP.048 Received data after CLOSE was issued, and window is zero, send RESET source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Description: TCP connection is CLOSING due to application requesting a CLOSE. After the window shrinks to zero, discard any packets received. This is based on the half-duplex TCP close sequence.
TCP.049 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.049 Rcvd NACK
Long Syntax: TCP.049 Received NACK
Description: The other side has send an old ACK with zero data length - we treat this as a NACK.
TCP.050 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.050 Rcvd ACK for Keep Alive
Long Syntax: TCP.050 Received Acknowledge for the keep alive packet sent
Description: The other side has acknowledged the keep alive packet. The keep alive packet is sent if keep alive is enabled on this tcp connection, and the connection has been idle.
TCP.051 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.051 Lcl wndw zero
Long Syntax: TCP.051 Local window zero
Description: The local window advertised is zero. The application is not draining the tcp receive buffer fast enough.
TCP.052 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.052 snd FIN seq seq_num, ack ack_num
Long Syntax: TCP.052 send FIN sequence number seq_num, acknowledge number ack_num
Description: The TCP connection is closing, and we sent a FIN.
TCP.053 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.053 get buf fld - cannot snd pkt
Long Syntax: TCP.053 get buf failed - cannot send packet
Description: The router is running out of iorbs, getbuf failed, so we cannot send a packet.
TCP.054 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.054 xmit buf too large ( requested_amount), clipped to clipped_amount
Long Syntax: TCP.054 transmit buffer too large for listen/open ( requested_amount), clipped to ( clipped_amount)
Description: The transmit buffer size requested for a TCP connection is too large to be allocated by the system. TCP has selected in its place the largest chunk size available in the system.
TCP.055 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.055 recv buf too large ( requested_amount), clipped to clipped_amount
Long Syntax: TCP.055 receive buffer too large for listen/open ( requested_amount), clipped to ( clipped_amount)
Description: The receive buffer size requested for a TCP connection is too large to be allocated by the system. TCP has selected in its place the largest chunk size available in the system.
TCP.056 |
Short Syntax: TCP.056 6 Duplicate acks with seqnum seq_num ack num ack_num wndw window
Long Syntax: TCP.056 6 ACKs seen with with sequence number seq_num and acknowledge number ack_num window window
Description: Fast Retransmit has sent the missing segment. New data should have been ACKed. Other end might be down or congested.
TCP.057 |
Short Syntax: TCP.057 New data ( tcp_ack) ACKed after tcp_dupack dups
Long Syntax: TCP.057 Sequence number tcp_ack ACKnowledged after processing tcp_dupack duplicate ACKs
Description: TCP counts ACKs which acknowledge data which was previously acknowledged. After 3 exactly duplicate ACKs are received, the apparently lost data segment is retransmitted. Whenever new data is acknowledged, this message is printed (with the total number of exactly duplicate ACKs) and the counter is cleared.
TCP.058 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.058 Echo foreign_ip_address( foreign_port_number) -> local_ip_address( local_port_number)
Long Syntax: TCP.058 Connection to Echo from foreign_ip_address port foreign_port_number to local_ip_address port local_port_number
Description: A connection has been established to Echo. Echo will return the data it receives to the sender.
TCP.059 |
Short Syntax: TCP.059 rcvd pkt source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_port no cnn
Long Syntax: TCP.059 received packet source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address with destination port tcp_port has no tcp connection
Description: TCP has received a packet with an invalid tcp port number.
TCP.060 |
Short Syntax: TCP.060 rcvd invld SYN in wndw source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_port kill cnn
Long Syntax: TCP.060 received invalid SYN packet source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address with destination port tcp_port, kill connection
Description: TCP has received an illegal SYN packet, so kill the connection.
TCP.063 |
Short Syntax: TCP.063 drp seg source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_port rsn reject_code snd ACK
Long Syntax: TCP.063 dropped segment source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address with destination port tcp_port, reason reject_code, send a valid ACK in response
Description: TCP has rejected a segment. Reject codes are as follows: Reject codes: 1 - Seg len = 0, Rcv win > 0, seqnum < tcb_ack 2 - Seg len = 0, Rcv win = 0, seqnum != tcb_ack 3 - Seg len > 0, Rcv win > 0, winend < tcb_ack 4 - Seg len > 0, Rcv win = 0. 5 - Seg len = 0, Rcv win > 0, seqnum >= winend 6 - Seg len > 0, Rcv win > 0, seqnum >= winend Note: we only ACK if the segment received was a non RST segment.
TCP.064 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.064 prcss FIN in ESTAB|SYNRCVD state frgn hst ip_address lcl hst ip_address dprt dst_port sprt src_port
Long Syntax: TCP.064 process a received FIN; current state is SYNRCVD|ESTAB, foreign host ip_address local host ip_address destination port dst_port source port src_port
Description: TCP processing FIN while in SYNRCVD|ESTAB state.
TCP.065 |
Short Syntax: TCP.065 frgn prt illgl close of wndw frgn hst ip_address lcl hst ip_address dprt dst_port sprt src_port
Long Syntax: TCP.065 foreign port closed the advertised window illegally foreign host ip_address local host ip_address destination port dst_port source port src_port
Description: The other side has been deaf and mute, and the the foreign window seems to have been closed illegally; send a RST.
TCP.066 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: TCP.066 rcvd TCP pkt source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_port
Long Syntax: TCP.066 received packet source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address with destination port tcp_port
Description: TCP has received a packet.
TCP.067 |
Short Syntax: TCP.067 TCP snd rst to hst source_ip_address
Long Syntax: TCP.067 TCP sending RESET to host source_ip_address
Description: TCP is sending a RESET segment to the other side.
TCP.068 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.068 TCP cnn clsd frgn hst foreign_ip_address lcl hst local_ip_address
Long Syntax: TCP.068 TCP connection closed, foreign host foreign_ip_address, local hst local_ip_address
Description: TCP connection is closed - notifying the application.
TCP.069 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.069 Frng TCB for frgn hst foreign_ip_address lcl hst local_ip_address
Long Syntax: TCP.069 Freeing TCB block for connection between foreign_ip_address and local_ip_address
Description: Freeing the TCB block associated with the TCP connection that has closed.
TCP.071 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.071 Rxmt tmr fires frgn hst foreign_ip_address lcl hst local_ip_address
Long Syntax: TCP.071 Retransmit timer fires for connection between foreign_ip_address and local_ip_address
Description: Retransmit timer fires for TCP connection.
TCP.072 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.072 State trnstn frm ESTAB to FINWAIT source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Long Syntax: TCP.072 State transitioned from ESTABLISHED to FINWAIT source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Description: State of tcp connection has transitioned from ESTABLISHED to FINWAIT - send FIN, and now waiting for FIN-ACK to arrive.
TCP.073 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.073 State trnstn to CLOSED source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Long Syntax: TCP.073 State transitioned to CLOSED source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Description: State of tcp connection has transitioned to CLOSED.
TCP.074 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.074 Rcvd data after CLOSE issued and zero wndw, snd RST source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Long Syntax: TCP.074 Received data after CLOSE was issued, and window is zero, send RESET source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dst_port
Description: TCP connection is CLOSING due to application requesting a CLOSE. After the window shrinks to zero, discard any packets received. This is based on the half-duplex TCP close sequence.
TCP.075 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.075 PMTU chg, fhost destination_ip_address, PMTU pmtu, old MSS old_mss new MSS new_mss
Long Syntax: TCP.075 Path MTU changed to foreign host destination_ip_address, PMTU = pmtu, old MSS = old_mss new MSS = new_mss
Description: A Packet Too Big ICMP was received indicating the local host sent a TCP segment that was too big for one of the links in the path to this foreign host.
TCP.076 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.076 PMTU chg, rxmt source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address, dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dest_port
Long Syntax: TCP.076 PMTU change, retransmit source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address, dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dest_port
Description: Retransmit the segment that was dropped as indicated by a Packet Too Big ICMP.
TCP.077 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.077 xmt source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address, dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dest_port
Long Syntax: TCP.077 transmit data source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address, dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dest_port
Description: Transmit data to Link Local Address.
TCP.078 |
Short Syntax: TCP.078 xmt failed source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address, dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dest_port
Long Syntax: TCP.078 transmit failed source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address, dst prt tcp_src_port src prt tcp_dest_port
Description: Transmit failed for Link Local Address.
TCP.079 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.079 Echo foreign_ip_address( foreign_port_number) -> local_ip_address( local_port_number)
Long Syntax: TCP.079 Connection to Echo from foreign_ip_address port foreign_port_number to local_ip_address port local_port_number
Description: A connection has been established to Echo. Echo will return the data it receives to the sender.
TCP.080 |
Short Syntax: TCP.080 Persistent Listen local_ip_address( local_port_number) denied. total_current_open sockets open
Long Syntax: TCP.080 SYN pkt has been received for local_ip_address( local_port_number). total_current_open bytes are in SYNRCVD state
Description: A connection is attempted to %I(%d). TCP should clone a LISTEN, but we have reached our connection limit. This may indicate that the router has insufficient resources for the clients using it. It may indicate that it is experiencing a flood of SYN packets as a denial of service attack.
TCP.081 |
Short Syntax: TCP.081 Persistent Listen local_ip_address( local_port_number) replaced
Long Syntax: TCP.081 A connection ( local_ip_address( local_port_number)) has completed. A LISTEN was replaced
Description: A previous attempt to replace this LISTEN was denied due to too many existing persistent LISTENs. A connection for that server has been established, and there was sufficient memory to replace the LISTEN.
TCP.082 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.082 rcvd pkt source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address dst prt tcp_port sending to OS
Long Syntax: TCP.082 received packet source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address with destination port tcp_port. Router passing packet to OS
Description: TCP has received a packet which it is passing to OS. The operating system might have this connection. Otherwise the operating system should return a reset.
TCP.083 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TCP.083 TCP cnn request source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address( tcp_port) refused. Router is at cnn max( tcp_max_cnn)
Long Syntax: TCP.083 received packet source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address(dst port tcp_port). Router supports max of tcp_max_cnn concurrent connections
Description: TCP has received a connection request when the router already has as many TCP connections as it can support. This limit protects other router components from memory exhaustion.
TCP.084 |
Short Syntax: TCP.084 TCP retransmiting data_size bytes local_host( local_port) -> foreign_host( foreign_port) with no buffer.
Long Syntax: TCP.084 TCP retransmiting data_size bytes local_host( local_port) -> foreign_host( foreign_port) with no buffer.
Description: TCP was in idle mode when the application called close. There is no transmit buffer, and we need to only set some control bit in the frame
TCP.085 |
Short Syntax: TCP.085 TCP reset connection local_host( local_port) -> foreign_host( foreign_port). No xbuf for data_size data bytes
Long Syntax: TCP.085 TCP reset connection local_host( local_port) -> foreign_host( foreign_port). No xbuf for data_size data bytes
Description: There is no transmit buffer, and we need to retransmit multiple bytes. It's not clear how this happens, and it's occurrance should be reported to customer service.
TCP.086 |
Short Syntax: TCP.086 New cnn foreign_ip_addr( foreign_ip_port)-> local_ip_addr( local_ip_port) has no master socket
Long Syntax: TCP.086 New TCP handshake has completed from foreign_ip_addr( foreign_ip_port) to local_ip_addr( local_ip_port), but the master socket is no longer available
Description: The master socket which this TCB points to has not been passed to listen(). So, either the master socket has been closed, or an application is using an invalid socket.